Wednesday, May 21, 2008

everyday whoopity whoop

  As the gas prices skyrocket out of control, I love to watch the national cable news channels and sit back as the steering wheel of this country is slammed into traffic with each passing day. Personally, it doesn't affect me one way or the other. The only, literally, only good thing about being apart of a suburban sprawl is that you typically having everything around you in close proximity so the need to transgress great distances is unnecessary for me. The one inherent character flaw of many I at least recognize is my desire to sit through the news. I think they do a disservice by even putting the date and time at the bottom of the screen because with the task of filling 24 hours in a single day, all the major channels have to repeat, examine and run into the ground the same 3 or 4 stories continuously. Ted Kennedy had a stroke? Oil prices rose again? Clinton/Obama? In a world of billions I would certainly expect that we could come up with better and more intelligible things to discuss. Then, at 11 am this morning, I found my beacon. At the bottom of the screen in giant fonts was displayed " Cameron Diaz talks about her sex life." I'm all for free speech. I wish it said " Diaz admits she took part in a 'rusty trombone' " but doesn't that seem like something that should be discussed later in the evening and not an hour before lunch? What doesn't surprise me is that I'm sure that story got the highest ratings of the day. Unless you were the one fucking Cameron Diaz of late, why would that story hold any merit to you whatsoever? And the oil prices. Yeah, it sucks. Now fuck off. Doesn't anybody see the bright side of this? I hope the price of a barrel of oil gets on par with the price of gold. I would imagine it will crush our economy but at least get some scientists working hard on alternatives. If gas was $1.45 a gallon, do you really think people would give a fuck over hybrids and wind power and fuel cells? Fuck no. The environment has always played second fiddle to the wallet. Sure, you'll see GM and Honda pushing out more hybrids now, but only if the market is calling for it. Shit, with out this oil crisis, who can say how big GM would have made the next couple of Hummers? Fucking 12 wheels? 10 doors and a bedroom? A fucking two story truck? Absolutely. But since gas got out of control they started making them smaller because people don't want to pay $100 a week on their commute. It's like salads at McDonalds. If people were eating salads like crazy, they'd offer less hamburgers. Burger king has burgers that have fucking egg slices and gravy and mashed potatoes and 6 strips of bacon and pigs heads on them. Why? Because they fucking sell. I never could understand why people felt like corporations have an obligation to sell us products beneficial to us that we don't want. The big picture is always the same. Whether GM sells an economic 2 door or a giant SUV, or fastfood slings you lettuce with fat-free dressing or a 6 patty slab of cow, the point is to get you're money. That's it. That's always been it. Want healthier choices at Wendy's? Obviously not because those fads are off the menu. Dave Thomas' corpse isn't withholding lean chicken breast and salmon fillets because he wants to make Americans fatter than they currently are, it's because the public doesn't buy them. What has me down is that it costs me a lot more now to make my famous "crude oil mojito" that always keeps the parties going.

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